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Review of Opening Night and Available Artwork

Opening Night was soooo much fun! I cannot express how joyful I felt and just how wonderful both days on Vashon were. What a blessing to have such awesome friends and family! Really.

I made the little video (above) to share with those who could not make it and (below) a photo album for you to browse through as well. We were fortunate to sell quite a few paintings but there are plenty more still available. Melinda, from THS Gallery, is more than happy to work those unable to attend the show yet interested in purchasing art. If you see something that strikes your fancy, message me at and I will pint you in the right direction.

One more thing...I have reorganized my Facebook accounts and have set one to Friends and Family and the other dedicated to art. If you haven't done so yet, please click the image below to stop by and Like my Art Page so you can keep up with current events.

As always~ Thank you for your continued interest in my art!

Jane Spakowsky

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